Established in 2018

Paula Marie Usrey, M.S.,C.P.R.C. established Boomer Best U as result of her extensive research, observations, training, and personal experiences.
In 2018, Paula completed training to become a certified professional retirement coach. She has been a positive aging keynote speaker and has conducted related workshops. She has written several articles for Sixty & Me, and has been a guest presenter on podcasts and virtual summits related to positive aging.
Prior to establishing Boomer Best U, Paula spent nearly 25 years in the education field including a position as an assessment researcher and national communication assessment trainer, a foundation executive director, and as an associate professor of speech communication.
While still teaching, Paula gave a TEDx presentation, “Your Best Life at Any Age.“ She also gave business and community presentations on intergenerational communication, listening, and related topics.
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If you are interested in a presentation, written content, or a workshop about positive / non ageist communication, listening and intergenerational communication, lifestyle planning beyond work, gendered-ageism, or a related topic, contact Paula: